I Am Overlord

Chapter 1723: Fight Here

Chapter 1723: Fight Here

Ge Yi did not spend any time reprimanding the newly arrived young Gods. He only reminded them that he would only make a move against the aliens in the Nine Revolutions Realm. As for the other aliens, he would not act against them. The young Gods would have to be the ones to deal with them.

On the outside domain battlefield, there were countless lifeless planets and celestial bodies. Despite the lack of life on these celestial bodies, they still provided a place for these young Gods to rest and recuperate. Some of the lifeless planets even housed some unique treasures. After all, the boundless space contained many other unique energies. The human cultivators would be able to absorb these energies to grow and replenish their energy.

After all, at the Rebirth Realm, one\'s God Realm body would become extremely powerful. One would gain the ability to absorb and process some energies that they wouldn\'t be able to absorb as a Saint. Furthermore, there were countless stars out in space. Absorbing astral energy also became a much easier affair for these human cultivators.

Xiang Shaoyun wanted to say something to his master, but his master interrupted him and said, "Don\'t think about anything else. Just focus on fighting the aliens. As for your other affairs, put it on hold for now."

"Yes, Master," said Xiang Shaoyun with a nod.

He then brought his people and allies to a nearby lifeless planet. There, they set up camp. As the aliens\' strongest had just been beaten back, there wouldn\'t be any new attacks anytime soon. Thus, this would be the best opportunity for humans to get used to their new environment.

The other human warships arrived one after another. Of the 365 warships, about 25 of them had vanished. Only 340 of them were able to reach the battlefield. One could only imagine how dangerous the spatial path was. No ordinary person could traverse the path safely.

Meanwhile, the aliens were also in the midst of a discussion. Hun Lachuan and Huan Kuang had returned in defeat, dealing a heavy blow to their morale. Fortunately for the aliens, at the two\'s cultivation level, they could regenerate their bodies from a drop of blood. Thus, they had survived their encounter with Ge Yi. They could take solace in that.

"That human is too strong. The two of us won\'t be his match. I\'m afraid we can only resume our attack after our reinforcement arrives," said Hun Lachuan.

"I don\'t think so. He\'s only one person. He won\'t be able to stop us by himself. Just wait until we recover from our injuries. With our nine revolutions grade weapon, we can keep him busy while our army takes the chance to break through," said Huan Kuang.

"Lords, why don\'t you allow us to battle them for now? Many humans have arrived. They won\'t be willing to submit to us anyway. We should build a ring and have our people challenge them there. From the challenges, we can deal a blow to their morale. By the time our reinforcements arrive, we can directly head for the dominion," said the alien strongest after the two Nine Revolutions Realm experts.

Hun Lachuan and Huan Kuang found the idea agreeable, but they had a slightly different thought on the implementation. They suggested having a space battlefield constructed where both parties would enter for an all-out battle.

After two days, Hun Lachuan and Huan Kuang reappeared before the humans. Ge Yi was naturally quick to stand before the two.

Just as Ge Yi was about to attack, Hun Lachuan hurriedly said, "Human, there is no rush. This time, we\'re not here for you. We\'re aware that your army has arrived. Why don\'t we make a bet and have our army of one million face your army of two million in a space competition?"

"That\'s right. You humans have more people than us. If you can secure victory, we will withdraw immediately. And if we win, all of you would naturally be dead. Thus, when our reinforcements arrive, you alone won\'t be able to stop us."

The two aliens spoke loudly, not bothering to hide their voices. Thus, all the young Gods heard their challenge. These young Gods were the arrogant geniuses of humanity. They naturally couldn\'t sit still after such provocation.

"What do we need to be afraid of? We have twice their number! Let\'s fight!"

"That\'s right. We won\'t lose. We will defeat the aliens and kill our way to their home!"

"Deputy Ge Yi, just lead us in a charge toward them. What\'s the point of wasting our breath on them?"

"These aliens are crafty. We will never know what scheme they\'re cooking!"


Ge Yi ignored all the voices. After giving it some thought, he said, "I agree. Let\'s have them fight here."

"Haha. Good! The three of us shall construct a space arena they can fight freely in!" said Hun Lachuan with a smile.

Ge Yi said, "There\'s no need for that. Just have them fight here. All we need is for the three of us to not join the fight. If either of you decides to get involved in the fight, don\'t blame me for showing no mercy."

"Fine. Let\'s have them fight here. We won\'t get involved," agreed Huan Kuang.

Then, the three vanished into thin air, leaving the battlefield for the two armies.

The alien army of one million appeared immediately. Weird-looking warships were carrying aliens of numerous races. As the aliens released their powerful auras, a sense of provocation swept forth.

"Puny humans, come here and accept your deaths!"

"I\'m hungry. They will all turn into my food."

"Look at your soft skin and tender flesh. You must all be very tasty. Too bad there are too few of you. We need to get to their place as soon as possible and turn all of them into food."

"Do not be careless. These are probably the human elites. For now, we need to focus on securing victory."


The aliens seemed to view humanity with absolute scorn, as though the humans weren\'t a threat at all. The young Gods were filled with indignation. As a result, the 340 human warships sallied forth at the same time. Qin Jiu took the lead and shouted, "All of you will learn to regret invading our homeland! Who dares to face me in a battle? I will teach you the strength of humanity!"

Qin Jiu released his domineering aura, displaying an astonishing strength befitting of a young guild master candidate. Gongsun Sanyang naturally wouldn\'t allow his competitor to hog all the glory. He stepped forth and said, "In the same cultivation level, none of you will be my match!"

"Hehe, you\'re too impatient. Why don\'t we start from the lower-level cultivators? That will serve as a warm-up and a demonstration of our strength," said an alien with three heads and six arms. A sneer hung on the alien\'s face.

That alien was from the three-headed six-armed race. They reproduced very slowly, but each of their members possessed incredible strength. This three-head six-arm alien, in particular, was a young alien leader called Mao Gangqiang.

His suggestion won the approval of the other aliens. The humans did not mind the suggestion either. None of them was willing to be weaker than the other party in a situation where both sides had the same cultivation level.

And thus, both sides agreed to send ten combatants per cultivation realm. Killing would be allowed in the battles. The first round would be conducted among fifth-stage Saints. The aliens hurriedly gathered ten Saint Realm experts. On the other hand, a conflict broke out among the humans when deciding on the ten combatants.

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